Star Trace Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is a reputed dealer in the manufacturing and exporting of gauss meters in India. Gauss meters offer a static measurement. The probe is placed in the desired measuring location, and the Gauss meter measures the flux density at that point. Each Gauss meter is fully capable of measuring dynamic fields, but it is not a requirement of the measurement process to have a changing magnetic field or environment.
Gauss meters are excellent for measuring the flux density of air gaps in loudspeakers, motors, etc. In these regions, the flux density is uniform, so probe position is less important. Gauss meters are also excellent at determining local point effects as they have a very small detection area on the probe.
The control unit consists of a constant generator, an amplifier, and a seven-segment LED display. An invariable current is made to pass through the Hall probe, which, when placed in a magnetic field, produces a voltage proportional to the magnetic field. This voltage is an amplifier circuit, and the output is read on a digital panel meter calibrated in kilo gauss.
The general purpose of the instrument is to measure the flux density of magnetic and electromagnetic components such as relays, DC motors, magnets, loudspeakers, etc. It is very applicable for online production testing.
Other ModelsBattery-operated Hand-Held Gauss Meter, A.C. Field Gauss Meter, and Low Field Gauss Meter.